
Xmo's Discord profile picture

Discord Username: xmo_

Welcome to my website! It's pretty barebones and contains a lot of external links to projects I maintain. Use the buttons in the header to navigate to points of interest.

Hi there, I'm Xmo. I'm an eighteen year old college freshman who enjoys python development, listening to music (love Taylor Swift and The Weeknd), gaming, and the outdoors. I live in the United States, more specifically the sunny and expensive gas state, California.

I maintain two public development projects, which are Levelr and Lockr. They are both Discord bots, focusing on a customizable leveling and customizable locking system, respectively.

I get up to lots of shenanigans on Discord, mostly in the Sound's World server, which I have been a part of since January 15, 2020. Most notably, I maintain a private bot for that server which does a lot of XP and member activity tracking.

The State of Developement

I'll be honest, the spark of development has faded out, but I'm trying to bring it back. This website is the first step towards doing that. I want to make sure my public bots, Levelr and Lockr continue to exist in a stable state. However I've been working mostly on private projects for Sound's World, such as activity tracking and additional Checkr features. I have more ideas that I hope to see through to fruitation. I possibly also want to create a new community-style Discord server to house all of my current and future projects.